The Best of You

40 Best Sunshine Quotes - Wise and Inspirational Sayings About Sunshine
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When it comes to giving the best of ourselves, most people express that they will give their best with certain individuals. In other words, if they believe that the said person deserves it, they have no problem giving their best efforts. Despite how many people claim to operate this way, many people tend to give their best to a person – even after they realize the person does not deserve it. 

More often than not, when people come into our lives, they put their best foot forward. For example, they may show sheer kindness and gestures of affection to win your full attention. Others may hide idiosyncrasies that tend to appear over the time you get to know them. Overall, when a person meets you for the first time, they want you to believe that they are a person worth your time. 

As time passes, you begin to notice little behaviors that were not there before. Maybe they aren’t as nice as much as they used to be. Maybe they don’t ask how you’re doing like they used to – or they don’t show concern as they used to. The optimism and hope in mankind within you may say “Maybe this person is having a bad day” or “Maybe I can be even more pleasant so that they will return to the nice affectionate person they were when we just met”. However, it is important to realize that many people get comfortable within relationships. Therefore, they no longer see the importance of making the bold gestures they used to make when they were working to secure your attention and affection.

The major mistake that we all tend to make is thinking that, if we show this person more love and affection, they will reciprocate those same efforts. However, most of the time, the opposite ends up happening. People start to realize they don’t have to show as much effort as they used to – and they will still be given a person’s best efforts. These situations almost never change for the better – and you are stuck feeling like you’re in a one-sided relationship.

It is essential to reserve the best of you for the individuals who truly deserve it. Save your best efforts for someone who is going to continue to show you why you’re important to them; someone who will always make sure that you’re doing well mentally, physically, and emotionally; someone who will always show their affection or love; someone who continues to show interest in getting to know all of you; someone who treats you with respect; someone who notices the little things so that you always know they’re paying attention. Until then, continue to give yourself the love, attention, respect, and care that you need everyday to grow because the one person that will always deserve the best is YOU.

When the World Becomes a Blur

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Hello Everyone!

I hope that this post finds you all well. There’s a few major lessons that I learned during this pandemic. One is that you truly don’t realize how valuable time is with loved ones until you cannot see them like before – or that you have to use video-calling apps to check in with them. Another lesson is that staying in the house has truly affected my inspiration to write. Observing my environment and being exposed to new things is essential to my inspiration to create. I truly hope that you all have found some type of inspiration during this time to take part in your artistry or craft. Many people are positively affected by what you share with the world- so continue to stay motivated! I hope that you all continue to find time for self-care during this difficult time. I want to also take my time to thank any readers or fellow bloggers who come across my page and like my content. You are truly the reason I continue to share my writing with the world. Please continue to share yours. -xoxo-